Safety & FAQs

How many granules do I cast in my Dumpster?
Generally speaking, as all Dumpsters vary in size and odors, begin with a disposable, plastic cup and cast granules in bottom of empty Dumpster. Cast on top of debris as needed. The more granules cast, the greater odor and fly control.

How many granules do I sprinkle in my trash can?
Sprinkle a thin layer in bottom of trash can (prior to placement of trash bag) to help suppress odors and absorb unwanted liquids.

Can I use Dumpster Cure when storing my trash?
Yes. Simply cast granules into trash bag before securing and storing bag. The more granules used, the greater odor control.

Why is Dumpster Cure so effective at suppressing odors?
Dumpster Cure’s triple action formula is designed for maximum absorption capability, trash odor neutralizers as well as a fresh, cherry fragrance.

Does Dumpster Cure contain pesticides to kill flies?
No. Dumpster Cure does not contain pesticides. Flies are deterred because Dumpster Cure neutralizes foul odors and fragrances with a cherry scent.

Can I use in ashtrays?
No. Do not use Dumpster Cure in ashtrays.

Is Dumpster Cure biodegradable?
Yes. Dumpster Cure is biodegradable.

How do I purchase Dumpster Cure?
To order a single bag, click on the “Buy Now” button. For all Commercial Establishments, please inquire with your sales representative.

For the Dumpster Cure Safety Data Sheet click here: Safety Data Sheet

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